Pete's Place

IronButt Association rides, reports, and product evaluations.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Bristlecone Pine Forest...and BEYOND

OK, so the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest was just the stepping off point for where he had to go. Once you got to the visitor's center, there was another 15 miles or so of harrowing, non-paved roads....the kind that would have given me a heart attack had I been along. One biker went down in the sand and gravel. Another one was having some difficulties. One who had been ahead of Mike earlier today was just coming into the correct area as Mike was leaving. Heck, the actual location wasn't even in really was in just had to go through california and a million miles of harrowing roads through california to get there! But by 10:30 a.m. (local time) he was out of it all and back on a real road. As he put it, you "earned those 18k points."
Just wanted to mention that he said that last night heading into Vegas the San Rafael Swell was an incredible site.
Then, still going into Vegas, he was impressed with the Virgin River Canyon. It was like 60 as he entered and 95 as he exited! Then on 95 out of Vegas and headed up to Beatty, where he spent the night, he noticed a sign that said "OPEN RANGE NEXT 20 MILES"....OK, lots of deer but he was watching out for them and was ok..then a chipmonk ran in front of him, and later a mouse! They didn't fare so well. :-(
Today has already been rough, but hey, he is an IronButt rider. He is on his way to Glacier Point and if he makes it there in time to do the Mono Hot Springs, that is next on his list. I forgot to remind him that today is the call in bonus day. Guess that is for the next call.

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